Discover Your Purpose
HeartPath retreat in Sedona, Arizona

If you've felt unfulfilled, frustrated, or like there should be more to life, but you're not even sure what that "more" is.... you're not alone.
At HeartPath, you'll develop:

So that you can get clear on why you're here and what you're here to do.


So that you can access the strength you need to make your dream a reality.


So that you can stop sabotaging your own plans to uplevel your life. 

Hi, I'm Mindie Kniss. 
Since 2007, I've coached hundreds of people to get clear on their path, trust their instincts, and create a life they love.
Over the years, people have attended HeartPath® to:

  • Figure out what to do with their life
  • Learn simple techniques to lower stress, boost immunity, and increase overall well-being
  • Understand there's more to self improvement than mindset and how "heartset" can help them go deeper in their personal and spiritual development
  • Become part of a community of like-minded people

Nothing lights me up more than helping people wake up to their potential, take back the reigns from fear, and go after their dreams.

I'm not talking about the dreams that someone else has for you...
Or the demands that society/culture/family/religion places on you...
I'm talking about YOUR dream, YOUR truth.
Richard Miller
"What sets Mindie apart from other coaches is her ability to integrate the mental and the emotional. A lot of people who teach heart-centered content don't have the same kind of connection to the intellect as Mindie does. She's able to speak to somebody that might be interested in this work, but have the guard of 'this is a little woo-woo,' and open you up to allow you to have transformation."

Since 2011, men and women have traveled from across North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand to attend HeartPath retreats.

Many clients I meet are living from the neck up... as if their heads were disconnected from their bodies.

Although they're aware that something is missing, they don’t know that there is a solution… and most have resigned themselves to a life of routine stress.

Believe me, I’ve heard all of the excuses on why NOT to do this work…

These are actual statements from previous attendees:

     “Opening my heart is way too scary.”

     “I haven’t followed my heart in so long, I wouldn’t even know where to start.”

     “I can’t connect to my heart because if I do, I’ll never stop crying.”

Even if it's been years since you've checked in with your own heart, that beating, pulsing power center is just waiting for you to pay attention to it.

You deserve to have a fulfilling, meaningful life experience and activating the heart is the only way I've found to do that (and believe me, I tried all the other ways). 😉

That’s why I created HeartPath.

You'll discover the 4 "Heart Keys" that will help you:

•  Tap into your intuition

•  Become more productive and focused

•  KNOW with certainty that you are on the right path

•  Heal past pain and grief

•  Lower your cortisol levels and blood pressure (without medication)

•  Enhance your overall quality of life

Over the years, I've become known as an authority on Heart Intelligence and I've been invited to speak on these stages around the globe:
I also wrote a bestselling book on the topic. The Heart of Consciousness is a brief introduction to the science of heart intelligence based on research I did for my dissertation.
You're Invited!
HeartPath is a small group experience.  This isn't the kind of retreat where you can hide out in the back and not participate.  😉

I'm looking forward to getting you out of your regular routine and into the gorgeous wilderness Sedona has to offer.
Who should NOT come to HeartPath?

If you're looking for a lot of hype so you can get "pumped" for a couple days, this is not for you.

I don't do hype.

What I'm interested in is getting real. And it's often hard to do that in a seminar crammed with hundreds of people. That's why I limit each retreat to a select group of awesome individuals like you.

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In Their Words...

Here's what HeartPath alums have to say about their experience...

Sheila Meilcarek, Phoenix, AZ
Sean Stephenson, Scottsdale, AZ
Johann Liffey, Jersey, United Kingdom
Barbara Godding, Aukland, New Zealand

"This is the absolute greatest event I've ever been to. The first day I felt an amazing transformational chance in myself... Just the first day I got so much value and so much love, in addition to a much needed bitch-slap from Mindie."
~ Steve Osborn, Memphis, TN

"If you are looking for an amazing event to attend that is full of love and energy and spirituality, clearing whatever it may be for you, this is the place to be… Mindie has a way of speaking to you, through you, finding what might be missing and closing that gap."
~ Patty Flock, Phoenix, AZ

"I cannot tell you how deeply moved I have been through the practices, the education, the sharing, the intimacy, how quickly, within the first day, we got so deep. I’ve been doing a lot of personal growth for many years, but this was a whole new element of incorporating your body and your heart…. Living more from your heart… That’s the essence of what we lived through these past few days."
~  Linda Allebach, Chicago, IL

"It was Mindie’s coaching that really got us to make some breakthroughs and see things from a different perspective and have some tools to make some changes that will be life changing and I can’t thank her enough."
~  Don Wall, Salem, OR

"What an amazing experience that I’ve had! I have heard so much about it and now I was able to experience it and I can’t even tell you… I am blown away by what I saw this weekend. From the heart breathing to the guided meditations that Mindie can so eloquently take us through. Amazing stuff. If you haven’t seen this or heard about it, you need to check it out, because she will transform and rock your world."
~  Diane De Vettori, San Diego, CA

"This HeartPath weekend has been a real eye-opener… I’d definitely recommend it to anybody looking to expand your life. If you’re in a rut, if you feel like you need a change. Do it!"
~  Andrew Sampson, Melbourne, Australia

"One of the biggest breakthroughs I got through this weekend is a comfort, a groundedness, a centeredness, a way to be more authentic in relationships with myself, with other people… This will change your life. Whatever you have to do, do it to get to HeartPath."
~  Peter Scott, San Diego, CA

What is included in the registration fee?

Your registration fee includes the 2.5 day retreat plus lunch on Friday and Saturday.
Other meals, lodging, and travel are not included.

What if I want to bring a guest?

You can add on a partner/spouse ticket for 50%.  Simply update the quantity on the order form.

What is the schedule?

Join the waitlist to be notified when the next retreat is scheduled.

Where will the event be held?

This year's retreat will be held at the Sedona Creative Life Center.  There is no lodging on site so you are free to choose a resort, hotel, or AirBnB based on your preferences and budget.

Will it be recorded?
No. Based on the intimate size and heartfelt discussions, HeartPath is not recorded. This is deep work. You need to be present for it.
What exactly is HeartPath?
Each year, I ask HeartPath attendees to describe what HeartPath means to them.  Here are a few of their responses:

"A way to think about yourself, life and your future through a different lens."

"It provides you with tools and exercises that will quickly and easily shift your mode of living from the busy head to the trusting heart. It is a weekend full of love, joy, laughter, and tears, in both a safe environment with an awesome group of highly present and aware participants."

"Something that could change your life, or simply nudge your boat back onto course."

"HeartPath is difficult to describe adequately. You need to experience it. It's a place to learn more about yourself, open your mind and heart, and meet great people."

"HeartPath was a place where I got out of the daily race and learned to connect with my own inner being. There were activities and I learned about how heart intelligence works. Most of all, I made wonderful connections in an open, loving, relaxed environment."

"An opportunity to look at one's life from the perspective of one's heart with really cool people."
How far will this take me?
Your heart’s evolution is a constant practice, much like your career. Think about it… In our work, we typically get some kind of training. Then we continue to grow in that field through seminars, workshops, reading about new developments in our industry and mentoring with people we admire. If we don’t do these things, we become stagnant.

HeartPath is no different. This retreat is a catalyst. Depending on how open you are, it can be the turning point from which you never look back. How committed you are will decide that. As they say, the more you put into it, the more you will get out of it.

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